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The Salvare is the ship of Another Life Season 1. It is the ship used to travel and discover why the Artifact is on Earth.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]


Season 2[]



Current Crew[]

Past Crew[]

Hull and Structure[]

The most prominent feature of the Salvare are its set of two rings, One larger outer ring and one smaller one encircling the main hull of the craft. these structures are integral to its superluminal propulsion capabilities as they contain the bubble used to warp space in order to accelerate to superluminal velocities.

Interior facilities[]

"Crow's Nest"[]

The Crow's Nest is the cockpit of the Salvare where a single pilot can steer the ship manually in lieu of the onboard artificial intelligence governing the ship's systems.


The Salvare possesses a dedicated hangar to house its shuttlecraft.

Crew quarters[]

The crew quarters of the Salvare are minimalist, cramped and military style, using as little space as possible. The quarters are also minimalist in number as well, with the absolute majority of the crew and several redundant backup crews being kept in Somna suspended animation.

Mess hall[]

The lounge, kitchen and larder of the Salvarre.


The medical laboratory and treatment suite of the Salvare.

Auxiliary craft[]

The Salvare possesses a shuttle, which the crew use to travel to the surface of planets and other astronomical bodies.


Propulsion systems[]

Most crucial to the Salvare are its propulsion systems. chief among these systems are the FTL (faster than-light) engine which is used to travel superluminal distances in manageable time. The FTL drive is powered by exotic matter generated via a dedicated onboard particle accelerator. Like all technology of human design. the Salvare's FTL engines are much less advanced than the wormhole propulsion used by Achain Rings, however, it is more advanced than the unknown Decuma ship systems. The Salvare also has sub-light engines that uses an unknown propulsion method to travel subluminal distances.

Power generation systems[]

A fusion reactor is used to provide power to conventional systems. The reactor, according to Zayn, is quite massive and bulky but provides limitless energy, though Zayn does note that it is less advanced than Achaian technology. Exotic matter and energy for the more advanced systems of the Salvare; the artificial gravity, FTL engines, and presumably others, is proved by a dedicated onboard particle accelerator.

Life support systems[]

In addition to conventional amenities, that are presumably standard on human spacecraft, the Salvare possesses two systems distinct to it. The first of these are the so-called "soma" tubes which are to put the crew in a form of stasis. to extend travel and preserve resources. The Salvare also posses exotic matter-derived artificial gravity systems in order to provide a more earth like working environment to the crew.

Weapon systems[]

The Salvare has no weaponry as it is a nominally unarmed exploration and research vessel. This is deliberately misleading, through a secret initiative codenamed Project Brimstone, the ship's FTL drive can be made into a weapon; by focusing the exotic matter and immense energy into a destructive beam. This beam, with only three percent of its total output of exotic matter and energy was able to destroy the artifact on Zakir. Later on, after the Salvare returned home, the FTL drive was again modified into a jury-rigged weapon, this time into an neutrino beam capable of destroying Achaian lifeforms and technology.

Go Home Protocol[]

In the event of a catastrophic loss of life, the Salvare is designed to jettison the upper decks and send the lower decks with the FTL drive and the remaining soma tubes home. When the protocol is initiated, all of the ship's systems lock down and the failsafes are tamper proof. A malfunctioning William inadvertently triggered the protocol, but Niko Breckinridge was able to use the shuttle's engines to reconnect the two halves of the ship.

When the entire ship couldn't make it through a wormhole due to having too much mass, Niko initiated the Go Home Protocol in order to split the ship in half and send her crew home. However, Niko had to remain behind on the upper decks and initiate the Go Home Protocol manually in order to bypass the protocol's redundancies.


Season One (10/10)


Salvare means Salvation, in Romanian. Actually, the grammar spelling indicates THE salvation.

In Italian 'Salvare' means "to save".




